Wheelchair Arrivals
April 2022
Because of your generosity, seven containers of wheelchairs arrived in Brazil, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Pakistan, and the Philippines.
Life Transformation Story
April 8
Peter, 30, was working as a mason at a university in Kenya when he fell from the third floor of a building, sustaining a spinal cord injury that caused paralysis of his lower body. He spent three months in the hospital before returning home to Gakoye Village, where he would spend the next 10 years without mobility or an income.
But thanks to you, this isn’t the end of Peter’s story. Read more here.
Wheelchair Wednesdays
April 13
Hangar 24, a restaurant and outdoor venue in Irvine, California, hosted a Free Wheelchair Mission table for Wheelchair Wednesdays, giving us an opportunity to spread the word about our mission to meet the worldwide need for mobility.
National Volunteer Week
April 17—23
Don Schoendorfer, our founder and president, and Nuka Solomon, our CEO, took this opportunity to offer heartfelt words of appreciation to our dedicated volunteers and ambassadors, who play crucial roles in this mission.
Watch the video here.
Staff Hike to Move for Mobility
April 22
Members of the Orange County Women’s Council for Mobility hosted the Free Wheelchair Mission staff for a Move for Mobility hike through El Moro Canyon in Newport Beach, California.
Visit from the Dominican Republic
April 27
Moises Sifren (above, center), the Executive Director of Fundación Hospital El Buen Samaritano, visited our office in Irvine, California. El Buen Samaritano has been our distribution partner in the Dominican Republic since 2014.

In the News
April 27
Free Wheelchair Mission was featured in an article on AmeriDisability, a platform “dedicated to individuals with disabilities, caregivers, seniors and like-minded supporters” that “aims to inform, inspire and empower the disability and senior communities, and the community-at-large.”
Read the article here.

Remote Training in Nicaragua
April 28
Our team remotely conducted wheelchair provision training for our distribution partner, Food for the Hungry Nicaragua.