80 million people worldwide need a wheelchair, but the majority cannot get one on their own.

Be part of the solution.

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Our Mission

Providing the transforming gift of mobility to
people with a disability living in developing nations,
as motivated by Jesus Christ.

Give hope, freedom, and renewed dignity through the gift of a wheelchair.

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Donor Testimonials

“I saw how wheelchair recipients found light, freedom, and joy, to know that as human beings, they matter and are loved.”

~ Kathy from California

“To the able-bodied observer, my wheelchair may represent adversity, their eyes perceiving only loss. but my wheelchair does not imprison me; it empowers me. For this reason, I choose to support Free Wheelchair Mission and their work to give the gift of mobility to those in need. Everyone deserves to enjoy such freedom.”

~ Ashley from Indiana


Miracle Wheels, the book by Don Schoendorfer, is now available!

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This is what Mukasa told us when receiving his brand-new wheelchair. The last part brought us to tears:"I can’t work anymore. I can’t even go anywhere. I just sit from morning to night. I heard about the free wheelchairs being given on my little radio and I had to try and come here fast. "These sticks are poking holes in my hands. I have been suffering. With the wheelchair I will be able to go and buy something to eat and help myself. "I don’t know how, but God should bless you because He knew that I needed this. Thank you. May God bless you! I was in bad condition, and I begged God to help me. "I was just stuck at home and now I am happy. God bless you! I have nothing to give but I pray God repays you.”We give many thanks for supporters like you, who make moments like this happen for people like Mukasa.Learn more about our mission at our website: www.FreeWheelchairMission.org ... See MoreSee Less
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Lucy, 63, celebrates her renewed freedom this Rheumatoid Arthritis Awareness Day. Living with arthritis has its challenges, but Lucy remains joyful and resilient. Join us in spreading awareness and care for everyone affected by arthritis. #rheumatoidarthritisawarenessday ... See MoreSee Less
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In Colombia, 12-year-old Lianni—born with spina bifida—began each day with a challenge. Her mother often struggled to maneuver her in a makeshift plastic chair over unpaved roads to school, causing discomfort and sometimes injury.However, their lives were transformed with the arrival of a new GEN 3 wheelchair from our local distribution partner, Food For the Poor Colombia, made possible by generous supporters like you. This gift brought safety and renewed independence, easing their daily challenges significantly."Now, my daughter is more comfortable," her mother shared with evident relief. "She can go to school easily, help around the house, and enjoy time with friends without fear of falling."Lianni's smile reflects more than happiness; it shows a life transformed. "I’m happy because my body doesn’t hurt anymore. I can be like other kids," she said joyfully.Stories like these motivate us to keep doing what we do. Read more stories like Lianni's at www.freewheelchairmission.org/stories/ ... See MoreSee Less
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Does your company want to make a lasting impact throughout the year? Become a Year-Round Company Partner of Free Wheelchair Mission and transform the lives of individuals living with disabilities in developing countries through the gift of wheelchairs, every single year.A partnership highlights your organization’s consistent commitment to caring for those in our world who are often overlooked, while also inviting employees to see the direct outcomes of their contributions. Learn more about what it means to give the gift of mobility all year long by visiting www.freewheelchairmission.org/company-engagement/#CompanyEngagementMonth #CEM25 #CompaniesTransformingLives ... See MoreSee Less
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520 brand-new wheelchairs just arrived in...The Philippines!Thank you, Mobilizers! Your generous, monthly support sent a container of wheelchairs to our distribution partner's facility (pictured below).If you haven't heard, Mobilize is our monthly giving program. Mobilize is made up of a dedicated group of supporters who receive a few perks, including an exclusive newsletter with updates from the country and community your donations are going to.Learn more on how you can join today at www.freewheelchairmission.org/mobilize/ ... See MoreSee Less
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