On this last weekend of 2018, I thought I’d share the story behind this photograph, which was our number-one post on Instagram this year.

It was taken in Cusco, Peru by a couple from Connecticut during a mission trip, unrelated to Free Wheelchair Mission.

They had gone sightseeing while waiting to join the rest of their team when they heard some familiar songs from around the corner.

It was worship music, being sung by two street musicians—one of whom was in a GEN_3 wheelchair sent to Peru by friends like you.

The couple from Connecticut recognized it as one of our wheelchairs. They had seen the documentary, Because No One Should Have to Crawl, when it screened in Madison six months earlier.

The connections involved in this random encounter attest to the impact you’re making around the world.

Because of you, someone, somewhere in the world, has been lifted up and is singing praises to God.

This story brings to mind the words of Psalm 40: “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire… He put a new song in my mouth” (Ps.40:2–3 NIV).

Thank you for all you’ve done to help make this all possible.


Wishing you a happy new year,

Don Schoendorfer