Every wheelchair has a story attached to it— this is the story of Pedro. He lives in Quito, Ecuador. He is 83 years old and was hit by a car four years ago. He has no use of his left leg, which was injured in the accident. Pedro’s wife died five years ago and his seven brothers and sisters are all dead. He has two sons but they moved away and he never sees them. He is alone.
He came to Pillaro because he had a dream that if he came to this city there would be a gift for him. He arrived the day before the distribution and heard there was a wheelchair ministry taking place. He got to the church at 6:00 AM, sat on the front row and waited.
Pedro had not filled out the required paperwork in advance and was unsure whether he would qualify. He was the last person of the day to receive a wheelchair. He cried as he told his story and thanked the distribution partners over and over again. He rode the bus back home with the wheelchair strapped on the roof.
Prayer Points:
- For people with disabilities who are lost and lonely.
- For more opportunities for distribution of wheelchairs.
- That Pedro would be blessed.
1 Corinthians 12:22, Psalm 113:7, 1 Corinthians 15:58