The expression “pay it forward” is used to describe the concept of asking that a good turn be repaid by having it done to others— a simple act of kindness that inspires you to reach out and help.
God, in His amazing love and grace, showed us the ultimate act of kindness when He sent His son to earth as a sacrifice for our sins. God intended that we receive this blessing and allow it to penetrate every aspect of our lives. He asks us to “pay it forward” and truly become His hands and feet on earth. This one, free gift of salvation is commissioned to multiply and reach millions throughout the world.
The gift of mobility also multiplies and affects the life of the recipient as well as their family and community. A wheelchair is not just a mode of transportation, it is a blessing that in turn allows the recipient to be a blessing to others.
“Paying it forward” can be as simple as building one another up in word, thought, prayer or deed. It can be showing God’s love to others in the way you live your life and in where you invest your time, treasure and talents. God has bestowed abundant blessings upon us for the purpose of blessing others.
Prayer Points:
- For those receiving a wheelchair to have a heart to “pay it forward.”
- Strength and courage for those with disabilities to recognize areas of blessing and give to those around them.
- For God to reveal places in your life where you have been blessed and can begin to bless other.
Luke 6:38, Matthew 14:13-21, Ephesians 1:3