Greetings, and happy Friday!
I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
As I reflect upon this past year, I find much to be thankful for. I’m grateful that over one million lives have been impacted by the gift of a wheelchair, thanks to your prayers and generosity.
I’m thankful for our distribution partners, who often go to great lengths to deliver the gift of mobility to those who need it the most.
One example is Metanoia Missions, our distribution partner in Nicaragua. They recently distributed wheelchairs in a region known as the Mosquito Coast, an area so remote that getting there requires a 10-hour drive on dirt roads, followed by river rides on multiple boats and canoes. For a glimpse of the adventurous journey a wheelchair takes to the Mosquito Coast, watch this quick video:
The trek might be arduous, but it’s worth it: a significant percentage of the local population faces economic hardship and a high rate of disabilities caused by accidents related to fishing, the main industry in the region.
If it weren’t for distribution partners like Metanoia Missions, people with disabilities on the Mosquito Coast would have few, if any, options for obtaining mobility solutions.
And if it weren’t for friends like you, our distribution partners wouldn’t have Free Wheelchair Mission wheelchairs to give away.
The journey of a wheelchair starts with you. Thank you for being such an integral part of this mission.
Don Schoendorfer
PS: Looking for meaningful gifts to give this holiday season? Consider Free Wheelchair Mission Christmas gift cards.