Frequently Asked Questions

1. How does monthly giving make a difference?

Your monthly donations provide stability and sustain the progress of Free Wheelchair Mission. Plus, the lower administrative costs associated with monthly giving mean that your gifts will make an even greater impact.

2. How will my donations be used?

Your monthly gifts will send wheelchairs to recipients in developing countries we serve. Each month, you’ll receive an exclusive email newsletter with updates and information about which country and distribution partner received your wheelchairs, along with an exclusive story and photos of a recipient from that country.

3. What does being a Mobilizer mean? What should I expect?

When you sign up for Mobilize, you’ll receive a monthly email newsletter with exclusive stories, photos, videos, and updates from the countries your gifts are going to. You’ll also have early access to Free Wheelchair Mission webinars, partner updates, and other programs and events for a behind-the-scenes look at our work and ways to connect with other Mobilizers in a thriving community of givers. Plus, through your commitment to this program, you’ll know that you are helping Free Wheelchair Mission to provide a long-term, regular source of resources that enables us to save costs and plan for future shipments of wheelchairs.

4. How many wheelchairs will my monthly donation provide?

$96 per month provides 12 wheelchairs a year, $48 monthly provides 6 wheelchairs a year, and $32 monthly, or just about $1 per day, provides 4 wheelchairs a year--transforming 4 lives every year!

5. What day of the month will my card be charged?

The day of the month that you enroll in Mobilize will be the day that your gift will be processed in future months. For example, if you enroll on the 3rd of the month, all future gifts will be charged on the 3rd of each month.

6. Can I increase or change my donation amount?

Yes! To change your donation amount, log in to your account and make your changes directly or contact us for assistance.

7. How can my company, group, or church participate in Mobilize?

You can hold a membership drive and encourage members of your group or church to sign up for Mobilize. Free Wheelchair Mission can provide you with promotional materials and videos for a “missions moment” where your group can learn more about our work. For more information on ways your group can participate in Mobilize, contact us at

8. Can I give monthly through my donor-advised fund?

Yes! Automatic donations can be set up with a few clicks through your donor-advised fund.

Mobilize Receipts

9. Has the process for getting receipts for monthly recurring giving changed?

Yes! We recently updated some of our processes following nonprofit financial best practices and to also reduce the number of emails we send to supporters. As a result of this change, while you will not receive an automated email receipt for each of your recurring gifts, you will still be able to access your receipts by logging into your account on our Classy donation platform.

During this transitional period, you may still receive emailed receipts for some of your recurring donations and non-recurring gifts.

10. Did my donation go through?

To confirm whether a gift was received by the Free Wheelchair Mission, view all your recent donations on our online giving platform Classy.

Open your supporter page

  • Log in to your Classy account (If you don’t know your password, see “How do I reset my Classy password” below)
  • Select Free Wheelchair Mission

View donation history

To view your donation history, select Donation History in the menu. This will list all your recent donations. You can search for any specific donation and select Resend receipt to automatically send a receipt to the email address in your settings.

A screenshot of the Donation History page. The subhead readss, "View and manage all of your donations."

Select Settings in the menu to send your receipt to a different email. This will open your profile settings, where you can update your email. Once updated, return to the donation and resend the receipt.

11. How may I get a copy of my receipt for tax returns or other purposes?

Open your supporter page

A sample of the Classy login screen, saying "Hello, Luna"

View donation history and resend receipts

To view your donation history, select Donation History in the menu. Then, you can search for any specific donation and select Resend receipt to automatically send a receipt to the email address in your settings.

A screenshot of the Donation History page. The subhead readss, "View and manage all of your donations."

Select Settings in the menu to send your receipt to a different email. This will open your profile settings, where you can update your email. Once updated, return to the donation and resend the receipt.

12. How do I reset my Classy password?

  • Go to the Classy login page
  • Select Forgot password?
  • Enter your email
  • Select Send

If a Classy account is linked to the email, you'll receive an email with a link to Reset Password.

If you don’t see that email in your inbox, check your spam folder. We also recommend searching for the subject line, Reset Your Password. If you still can’t find the email, reach out to the Classy Care Team.

Reset your Password

Once you select Reset Password in your email, you'll be redirected to Classy where you can create a new password.

Screenshot that reads, "Create a New Password. Please enter a new password. It must not be one of your last 4 passwords."

13. What are the password requirements?

Passwords on Classy must contain:

  • At least 8 characters
  • 1 letter
  • 1 number
  • 1 special character

14. Can I use previous passwords?

No, for security reasons you cannot use any previous passwords.

15. I used to sign in with Facebook. How do I sign in now?

Now you will need to use the email associated with your account to log in. To access your account, reset your password using the steps shown above.

16. Can you send me my receipt?

Yes! If you are unable to retrieve your receipt from our online giving platform, Classy, we are available to assist you and will also be able to walk you through how to retrieve them in the future. Please reach out to us for any assistance.

17. Will I still receive emailed receipts for non-recurring gifts and event registrations?

Yes! This change currently only impact recurring gifts made via our Classy donation platforms.

During this transitional period, as we continue to streamline our systems, you may still receive emailed receipts for some of your recurring donations.

Additionally, if you have donated more than one gift during a calendar year and we have a valid mailing address on file for you, you will continue to receive a statement of your calendar giving at the end of January each year for the prior year’s giving (unless you have instructed us not to send this)

18. What will I receive at the end of the year?

If you have donated more than one gift during a calendar year and we have a valid mailing address on file for you, you will continue to receive a statement of your calendar giving (unless you have instructed us not to send this). These are typically mailed to you at the end of January for the prior year’s giving.


When you sign up for Mobilize, you’ll receive an exclusive newsletter with updates from the country and community your donations are going to.

Questions? Contact us at or call 800.733.0858.