Fundraising Kit Order Form

Fill out the form below to order free promotional materials for your fundraising campaign and help spread the word about Free Wheelchair Mission.

*Please note that supplies are limited and items are subject to availability.

Giving Cube
Takeaway 500x300
Response card and envelope
3 most recent newsletters

Giving Cubes


Donation Cards and Envelopes


Story Card - Margaret in Guatemala
Story Card - Meshack in Kenya

Story Cards

Step 1 of 2

  • Step One

    A photo and story of a life transformed by the gift of mobility. You can request 3–6 cards, depending on the size of your event.
    A brochure about Free Wheelchair Mission, with a response device attached. You can request multiple takeaways, depending on the size of your event.
    Boxes to help collect donations. Depending on the size of your event, you may receive 3 or more giving cubes.
    Depending on the size of your event, you can request 2–5 copies of the three most recent newsletters from Free Wheelchair Mission.
  • How many people are you anticipating at your event?