Our executive director, Nuka Solomon, recently returned from Haiti, where she connected with our local distribution partners.
This trip was especially meaningful, as Nuka has roots in Haiti.
There, she met a 14-year-old boy named Grégoire. The youngest of four boys, Grégoire is gentle and sweet, although his mother made it a point to say that he is “actually a little rascal at home.” Grégoire was seriously injured during the 2010 earthquake that struck Haiti—as he was attempting to flee his home during the violent, magnitude-7.0 tremor, a column fell and crushed his leg.
Tragically, he also lost his father, who died from a heart attack due to the earthquake.
Grégoire is now in 7th grade. With the help of a pair of crutches, he had been making a 30-minute trek to and from school each day. He shared that his favorite subjects are French and history, and that he likes girls–especially older ones, he says. His hope is to continue his studies and enter a career in information technology.
Grégoire received his first wheelchair through Fondation Carmy Care (FCC), which primarily serves children in the most economically-disadvantaged neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince. FCC is a sub-distribution partner of Food For The Poor (FFTP), our distribution partner in Haiti.
“Grégoire’s smile is infectious,” reports Nuka, “and he says he is most happy to receive his new wheelchair so that his arms won’t hurt as much when walking to school with crutches. After grinning from ear to ear and taking a couple of spins in his new wheelchair, he closed his eyes, held the cross I gave him, and sang along as the pastor led us all in a prayer of thanks and praise.”
Later, when Nuka’s cousin and wife came by to visit her, Nuka shared Grégoire’s story and photo with them. She continues, “As soon as my cousin’s wife saw the photo, she asked me what part of Haiti he was from. When I told her where he lived, she said, ‘I know him!’ She explained that her office is in the same area and that she has seen Grégoire taking the long walk to and from school on his crutches for years. She even noted that, at times, she has seen him resting under a tree to get some shade during a hot day!”
Moments like this remind us that no matter where we are in the world, we are all connected somehow.
Grégoire received the gift of mobility that day because of friends like you, moved by a heart for others whom we may or may never meet, but are ultimately our brothers and sisters.
Would you consider giving someone the gift of mobility today?
Don Schoendorfer