Churches and Schools
Building the Kingdom of God Together
“When we provide a wheelchair, we want the individual to feel as if they are being cradled in God’s hands.” - Don Schoendorfer

Free Wheelchair Mission partners with the faith community by engaging and educating churches, schools, small groups, and summer programs about the needs of people with disabilities living in developing countries.
Our international ministry encourages a tangible expression of compassionate outreach, connecting your congregation with God’s family around the world, creating opportunities to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ through the life-changing gift of a wheelchair.
A wheelchair is a gift of grace, costing its recipient nothing because it has been paid for by another.
We encourage churches and schools to participate in our major annual campaigns.
For more information about how your church or school can get involved with Free Wheelchair Mission, please contact:
Kecia Jones
Development Officer, Church Relations
M: 949.637.8355 | O: 949.273.8470 x202
Major Annual Campaigns

Fundraising Resources
Give your church an opportunity to live out their Matthew 25 calling and be a blessing to some of the most marginalized individuals in the world.
For every $96 gift, your church will provide one individual with the gift of a free wheelchair, providing hope, renewed dignity, and independence in the name of Jesus Christ.
Free fundraising resources include:
- 12x18 in. Self-Standing Posters
- Free Wheelchair Mission Brochures
- Wheelchair Recipient Story Cards
- "Send My Chair" Greeting Cards
Contact Kecia Jones for more information.