As with many other organizations around the world, the developments surrounding COVID-19 have required us to evaluate many of our upcoming events.
While we know how much these events mean to all our donors, volunteers, staff, and friends, we also want to honor and follow all guidelines and directives coming from federal, state, and local authorities.
17th Annual Miracle of Mobility
Miracle of Mobility, originally scheduled for July 23, 2020, is our signature event of the year.
While we pray that things get better by July, out of an abundance of caution, we are going to move this from an in-person event to our first virtual Miracle of Mobility.
This new, easy-to-use virtual platform will allow us to engage with all our supporters, not just here in Southern California, but across the country and around the world.
Over the next several weeks, we will be working through the details and will share these with you as we are able. We are planning for lots of fun ways to engage in community and to raise funds for those in need of mobility. We often have a photo booth at our in-person events, but this year we are excited to have a virtual photo booth provided by CEG Interactive.
Run for Mobility
As you may have heard, the OC Marathon, previously scheduled for May 1-3, 2020, announced that this year’s in-person marathon has been postponed until November 2020.
However, the need to raise awareness and funds to bring the life-changing gift of mobility has never been greater.
Therefore, the “run” will still go on!
We are currently working on moving the Run for Mobility to a virtual run, where you can still make an impact by running or walking on your own for the cause of mobility.
With the virtual run, you still can use fundraising pages to raise money.
While you should always follow guidance from local, state, and national authorities on recommendations for leaving your home, in many parts of the country, one of the activities that people can still do during this time of social distancing is to go for walks or runs. Even if confined indoors, you could walk or run in place or use a treadmill.
This is an opportunity to make your miles matter and help those who are waiting to receive the gift of a wheelchair in a developing country. While being isolated is new for us, for many needing wheelchairs, being confined to their homes has been their reality for years.
We look forward to bringing you more information about these exciting new virtual events very soon.
The mission continues! With 75 million people in need of wheelchairs around the world, they need our help, now more than ever.
To be sure to get the latest updates on these events, subscribe to our email newsletters.
And please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
If you would like to donate to support our cause, we are so thankful for your support:
Thank you for understanding, your prayers, and your ongoing support of our mission.