Mobility Changes Everything

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Our mission: to provide the life-transforming gift of mobility in developing nations, as motivated by Jesus Christ.

The Free Wheelchair Mission Story

In 1979, while on vacation in Morocco, a young engineer and inventor named Don Schoendorfer witnessed the agonizing plight of a woman struggling to drag herself across a busy thoroughfare.

Unable to forget the scene, Don would eventually leave a successful career in the biomedical field and design a durable, comfortable, and cost-effective wheelchair. His unique design became the cornerstone of Free Wheelchair Mission, the nonprofit organization he founded in 2001.

Free Wheelchair Mission is a humanitarian, faith-based nonprofit that designs and manufactures cost-efficient, durable wheelchairs for individuals living with disabilities in developing countries.

In collaboration with a network of like-minded partners, Free Wheelchair Mission has distributed more than 1.4 million wheelchairs to individuals in need in 95 countries around the world, providing renewed dignity, independence, and hope through the gift of mobility, at no cost to the recipient.

The Need & Solution

The Need is Great

The World Health Organization estimates that 80 million people in the world are in need of a wheelchair.

Without mobility, people living with disabilities are often left confined to their beds or homes, hindering their ability to pursue an education, make a living, or participate in community on their own.

The Solution is Simple

We believe in a world where everyone who needs a wheelchair has one.

Our wheelchairs are simple, cost-effective, and highly functional. They are designed to be resilient enough to withstand regular use in rugged terrain commonly found in developing countries.

Because of our unique wheelchair designs and our distribution network, we are able to maximize our impact and provide wheelchairs to individuals living in some of the most remote regions on the planet.

For under $100, a wheelchair can be manufactured and shipped to a person in need.

That is less than the cost of a latte a day for a month, a tank of gas for your SUV, a new pair of name-brand shoes, or dinner and a movie for two.
Small sacrifices we can make are life-transforming for those living with disabilities in the developing world.

Your Impact

When you give someone a wheelchair, you give someone the chance to breathe fresh air, visit friends and neighbors—or even go to school or get a job. The transforming gift of mobility changes everything. Mobility means independence, the ability to participate in society and earn a living. It means renewed dignity, leaving behind the days of being on the ground.

Since 2001, 1.4 million lives across 94 countries have been transformed by the gift of mobility from Free Wheelchair Mission.

Will you get involved today and help transform a life forever?

impact stories

Raiza’s Story

Raiza’s story is one of a tenacious 43-year-old in the Dominican Republic. She contracted polio when she was seven months old, leaving her paralyzed from the waist down.Though she has never walked, Raiza refused to let circumstances dampen her spirits. “You can’t miss what you’ve never had,” she said with a smile. “I wasn’t born […]

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Lianni’s Story

In Their Own Words Meet Lianni, a 12-year-old in Colombia who was born with spina bifida. Her family does not have the means to seek the specialized care that she needs. “Life was extremely complicated because we had to carry her and always take her in a plastic chair,” her mother told us. “Going to school was […]

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A Family Transformed in Thailand

Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone affected by Hurricanes Helene and Milton, including our board members, supporters, churches, and distribution partners in the region. We are also keeping in our prayers those impacted by the severe flooding in Thailand and Vietnam. “This flooding is the worst on record and has affected hundreds of […]

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Hope for the Next Generation

Richard, 10, lives with his mother and father in an urban neighborhood west of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Born with spina bifida and hydrocephalus, he faces daily challenges, including a valve in his head to manage fluid buildup. Yet, Richard’s resilience shines through, supported by his loving parents. His father, Román, wants the best for his […]

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Seeking Refuge in Thailand

Ta, 18, and her parents were originally from Myanmar, the Southeast Asian country also known as Burma. The family fled to neighboring Thailand after a violent coup, leaving everything behind. Adjusting to their new life as refugees was a struggle. Away from their homeland, they arrived in Thailand with nothing. Then, tragically, Ta’s father passed […]

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A Second Chance

José, a spirited 24-year-old, lives in Costa Rica with his mother and seven siblings. On a seemingly ordinary day in 2021, tragedy struck. As José was on his way to work, a traffic accident nearly claimed his life. He was rushed to the hospital, where doctors fought to save him. The accident resulted in the […]

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Eugene’s Story

Earlier this spring, a team embarked on a vision trip to Kenya to distribute wheelchairs with our local partner, the Walkabout Foundation. Over the course of three days, they gave away 53 new wheelchairs to people with disabilities, including a young man named Eugene who was carried to a distribution event by his mother. Eugene […]

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An Answer to Prayers

Mukasa is a 35-year-old father of three in Uganda. Three years ago, he developed painful blood clots in his legs that gradually robbed him of mobility. His wife then abandoned him, taking their three young children with her, leaving him to live on his own. Without a wheelchair, Mukasa could no longer work or go out, becoming dependent […]

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“I Can’t Lose Hope”—a Story from Brazil

Ciene is a 27-year-old indigenous woman who lives in a remote village in Brazil. She was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 18. Her medication wasn’t effective, and complications from a foot injury led to gangrene that nearly killed her. Her parents refused to allow the amputation of her foot until a tribal leader […]

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An Enduring Love

Felix and Melody have been married for 61 years. Together, they raised one child, with Felix working as a farmer and shopkeeper while Melody worked as an elementary school teacher. They have always been devoted to each another, through both good times and challenging times. The secret to their long marriage? “We always remind each other that we […]

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Lebohang’s Story

Lebohang is a 13-year-old who lives with his parents and younger sister in Soweto, South Africa. He was born with a disability and needed to be carried for the first few years of his life. His father later saved up for a pair of crutches, which Lebohang learned how to use. With them, he could […]

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Expanding Her Dreams

When Nicauros was a baby, she suffered high fevers and seizures that led to cerebral palsy. Unwilling to deal with a disability in the family, Nicauros’ father soon abandoned her, her sister, and her mother. Nicauros’ mother, seeking a new life and more opportunities for her two daughters, moved them to another town. Now 23, […]

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Independence Multiplied

Haiti has weathered significant challenges in recent times: a devastating earthquake in 2010, another large tremor in 2021, and ongoing civil unrest. There, in the coastal town of La Petite Anse, we find the story of Ghetha, a 57-year-old single mother. Ghetha has always had an independent spirit. She worked hard as a food vendor, […]

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Milka’s Story

Milka, 19, lives with spastic cerebral palsy, which hinders her mobility. Despite the challenges, Milka maintains a consistently cheerful disposition, often discussing her accomplishments, her knack for reading, and her deep love for her mother, Valeska. Valeska, a mother of four, proudly calls Milka her firstborn. Recounting their journey, Valeska shared, “Milka seemed healthy when […]

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Freeing a Family

The gift of mobility is freeing a family in Kenya-the family of a little boy named Ian. When Ian was born, he did not cry. He was admitted to a hospital for two weeks and diagnosed with cerebral palsy, which affects his mobility. After he was discharged, his mother, Lucy, took him home to their […]

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Anh and Her “Best Friend”

Anh is a seventh grader in Vietnam whose intelligence, friendly nature, and athletic prowess earned her the admiration of both teachers and friends alike. Her dream of becoming a professional athlete seemed within reach when she was recruited to represent her entire province in sports. But life had different plans. In late 2020, Anh was […]

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Martire’s Story

Meet Martire, a 26-year-old single father who lives in the fields of the Dominican Republic. Martire faced immense challenges after he sustained spinal cord injuries in an accident that left him paralyzed. His world crumbled when his wife abandoned him and their young son, leaving him to rely on his devoted mother Eugenia to care for […]

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Lifted to Safety

Nine-year-old Emmanuel in Kenya lives in a remote village. He has cerebral palsy, a condition that is caused by brain injuries or complications that occur during pregnancy, birth, or during a child’s first two or three years of life while the brain is developing. Cerebral palsy affects movements related to joints, reflexes, and posture, and […]

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Richanderson’s Story

I’ll never forget meeting Richanderson, a brave and sweet seven-year-old boy. It was during an expedition to deliver wheelchairs to indigenous people living with disabilities in some of Brazil’s most remote villages. Meeting Richanderson at his indigenous village in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Richanderson’s life has been full of challenges. Born prematurely, he was […]

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Embracing Independence

Carlos is a 40-year-old carpenter who lives with his wife and four teenaged children on the coast of Argentina. About 12 years ago, Carlos was working on a construction site when he fell, breaking his spine in three places and sustaining severe injuries that left him with paraplegia.   His life was forever altered. He could no longer walk, go to work, […]

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Forced to Crawl

Robert, a 50-year-old man from Buikwe, Uganda, has never been able to walk, and for his entire life, he has been forced to crawl. Can you even imagine what that must have been like-the pain, the exhaustion, the sheer frustration? Despite his challenges, Robert does his best and manages to make a modest living on […]

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Hope After Darkness

Godfrey lives in a remote town in the mountains of Uganda, seven hours away from the capital city, Kampala. He was born with a disability. Our distribution partner, Father’s Heart Mobility Ministry, met him when he made his way to a wheelchair distribution at a local church. Without a mobility aid, Godfrey would scoot himself along […]

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“So Excited”

This story comes to you from a team at Right at Home, a Nebraska-based company that has been partnering with Free Wheelchair Mission since 2017. In late 2019, just months before travel restrictions imposed by the pandemic, a team from Right at Home embarked on a vision trip to distribute wheelchairs in Ecuador. They shared […]

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“Help More People Like Us”

Irene is a 29-year-old woman in South Africa. She was born with a disability, which could often a source of shame for her when she was younger. Due to lingering superstitions and misconceptions, some members of the community saw disability as a curse, leading them to shun her. “Life has been hard,” she confessed, “and […]

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Lifting Up Hope

Nicasio, a 58-year-old in the Dominican Republic, lives with his mother, daughter, grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. When a wheelchair distribution team visited his home earlier this year, the first thing they noticed was how close-knit this family seemed to be. It was obvious that they all loved one another dearly. Nicasio used to […]

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The Support Nancy Needed

Nancy, 10, was born with spina bifida, a condition in which the spine and spinal cord do not form properly while in the womb. She has never been able to walk. Kenya is home to almost 56 million people, and nearly one million of them live with a disability. Shockingly, over one-third of these cases […]

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“Safe and Respectable”

David, 19, lives with his parents and siblings in a small town on the northeastern coast of Peru. His father earns a living as a motorcycle taxi driver while his mother works at the local market. When he was just out of high school, David was robbed at gunpoint and shot. The bullet lodged in […]

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Irum’s Story

Over the past few months, Pakistan has been devastated by historic flooding that has taken more than a thousand lives and left thousands more without homes. Would you pray with us for Pakistan, a country close to our hearts? For over 14 years, Free Wheelchair Mission has distributed more than 34,000 wheelchairs in Pakistan through our local distribution […]

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“A Better Quality of Life”

Michael had no idea he’d be taking his last few steps when he got out of bed that morning. He earned a living as a day laborer on a banana farm in Costa Rica and was on his way to work, riding in the back of a pickup truck, when another vehicle slammed into it. The impact sent […]

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“I Don’t Need to Be Helped Anymore”

Kaley Tamang is a 55-year-old man who lives with his wife, Kali, and his father in the mountains of Nepal. Together, they earn a living by operating a small grocery stand. When he was 29 years old, Kaley suffered a stroke that left him unable to feel anything on the right side of his body. His […]

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“A Huge Positive Impact”

A Report from Haiti When a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Haiti last August, Free Wheelchair Mission set out to send 2,500 wheelchairs to Haiti, and you responded. Thanks to the generosity of friends like you, we have since shipped seven containers of wheelchairs to our primary distribution partners in Haiti, Food For the Poor and […]

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“I Am Able to Accomplish More”

Peter, 30, is the youngest of six children.  In 2009, he was working as a mason at a university in Kenya when he fell from the third floor of a building, sustaining a spinal cord injury that caused paralysis of his lower body. Peter spent three months in the hospital before going home to Gakoye Village. He […]

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“Not on the Ground”

As events continue to unfold in Ukraine, would you continue to keep the people and the situation in prayer? In this story that aired on NBC News on March 9, 2022, a Ukrainian family is interviewed while recovering in a Kyiv hospital. The father is using one of our GEN_2 wheelchairs, which one of our former distribution partners provided to […]

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Keep Ukraine in Prayer

Would you keep in prayer all who are affected by the developments unfolding in Ukraine, including our former distribution partners? Over the years, Free Wheelchair Mission has distributed nearly 16,000 wheelchairs in Ukraine through organizations including Mission Eurasia, which was still giving away wheelchairs from our last shipment to them but has had to pause […]

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A Life Transformed, Forever

Kwezi, 55, is a husband and father who lives in western Uganda. When he was a young child, he contracted polio, affecting his ability to walk on two feet. He has been walking on all fours ever since. Kwezi makes a modest living by repairing shoes and could not afford to buy a wheelchair on such a […]

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Providing New Opportunities

Quynh is a 19-year-old who lives in Vietnam. She has never been able to stand or walk because of a congenital condition. Her father cannot walk, either. Without mobility, Quynh would often crawl on the ground to get from place to place. Her family tried their best to provide her with an education, but without […]

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Hidden Surprise

Meet Miguel, a 22-year-old who lives with his sister and mother in Nicaragua. He was named in honor of his father, who supported the family as a farmer. One afternoon, his mother Juana found little Miguel convulsing on the ground, suffering from a high fever. Overwhelmed with desperation, Juana picked him up and started walking for […]

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“Waiting and Trusting”

Dorcas, 23, is the oldest of nine children, born to a farmer’s family in rural Bomet County, Kenya. She has lived with a disability for most of her life. Without mobility, Dorcas would need help from her mother and younger brothers to get from place to place. Throughout the years, various people and organizations would promise to […]

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Beyond Happy

A Story from Peru Zaid is a six-year-old boy who lives with his parents and three brothers in provincial Peru. When Zaid was 10 months old, he suffered a stomach infection that spurred an illness that doctors could not diagnose. Meanwhile, this motor disease progressively weakened his muscles and Zaid eventually lost mobility. Every morning, Zaid’s two older brothers would help […]

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Urgent Needs in Haiti

What a difficult week this has been for so many around the world. Our prayers are with the people of Afghanistan, a country we once served, delivering more than 4,400 wheelchairs to people living with disabilities there. We also ask for continued prayers for the people of Haiti, which was hit by a devastating magnitude […]

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“How Would My Life Be Without This?”

Rucogoza is a 45-year-old man who lives in rural Rwanda. About 13 years ago, he began to develop paralysis in both legs, and despite the treatment he received, his legs continued to weaken. He can no longer stand or walk and uses his hands to help move from place to place. Rucogoza lives alone. His […]

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Pray for Haiti

Over the past several days, the situation in Haiti has continued to deteriorate. The country was still reeling in the aftermath of a devastating earthquake that struck in 2010 when COVID-19 hit, with almost 20,000 confirmed cases and hundreds of deaths. Then, the country was further rocked by violence and political instability, culminating in Wednesday’s […]

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Meet Ericka

Ericka (39) was born in Nicaragua and now lives in neighboring Costa Rica. When she was just 20 years old, Ericka was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, a progressive autoimmune disease. She has gradually lost mobility to chronic pain ever since but has never let this condition defeat her. Ericka went on to get married and […]

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India on Our Hearts

We invite you to join us in prayer for the people of India as they endure a devastating surge in COVID-19 infections, with more than 20 million cases as of this writing. India holds a special place in our hearts at Free Wheelchair Mission. It is where we gave away our first four wheelchairs over […]

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He Never Gave Up Hope

A Story from Uganda Peter and his twin brother were born 81 years ago, but only Peter survived, and he had paralysis of the legs. Without any mobility aids, Peter could not easily get to school, so his parents taught him at home and gave him a fourth-grade education. His parents worked hard to save […]

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“There Is Much We Can Do”

Mario (66) has long been familiar with the impact that disabilities can have. After serving faithfully as the pastor of a small church in Nicaragua for over 40 years, he was forced to retire when complications from diabetes led to infections and the amputation of both legs. He has also been losing his eyesight. Now, his wife Selina makes […]

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Out of the Darkness

Diomede (59) has hardly ever been outdoors for the better part of 10 years. A terrible road accident left him with paralysis from the waist down. He couldn’t move without assistance, and at 154 pounds, he was too heavy for anyone to carry. Unable to cope with their new reality, Diomede’s wife abandoned him and […]

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“The Hope That We Have”

Samuel (14, India) was a healthy child and lived like any other boy his age, playing with his friends and playing hide-and-seek in their dense, urban neighborhood. But that all changed when he was in third grade.He was out with his mother, father, and sister when he started feeling very weak. His feet began twisting […]

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“Now, My Mother Can Rest”

Ivan is a 13-year-old boy who lives in Palca, a small village nestled in the hills of Honduras that can only be reached by rocky dirt roads. He lives with his parents and two sisters in a modest home made of adobe walls and cement floors. When he was four, Ivan was diagnosed with osteogenesis […]

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A Gift for Gift

Her parents had the perfect name for her. When they first laid eyes on their beautiful baby girl, they named her Gift. Gift was born with no hands or feet. When she was still a toddler, her parents took her and fled from their home in South Sudan due to violent conflict and deteriorating conditions. […]

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