Wheelchair Arrivals
June 2022
Because of your generosity, eight containers of wheelchairs arrived in China, Kenya, the Philippines, Uganda, and Vietnam during the month of June, with more en route to Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Eswatini, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Nicaragua, and Pakistan.
Containers Unloaded in Haiti
June 2-3
The Walkabout Foundation Haiti unloaded containers of wheelchairs that had arrived at the end of May. These wheelchairs will transform a total nearly 2,000 lives with the gift of mobility!
Our CEO on a Podcast
June 6
CEO Nuka Solomon spoke about nonprofit and corporate partnerships on The Nonprofit Jenni Show. You can listen to the podcast here, as part of Episode 148.
Children Making a Difference
June 13-19
The Church at Addis in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; Circlewood Baptist in Tuscaloosa, Alabama; and The Shoreline Church in San Clemente, California, used Free Wheelchair Mission’s free curriculum and resources as part of their Vacation Bible School (VBS) programs this year.
The kids responded by holding bake sales, setting up lemonade stands, and asking for donations throughout the week. Together, kids from these three churches collectively raised funds to provide 225 wheelchairs to people living with disabilities in developing countries!
Click on the links for more ways your church or school can get involved.
Culture Brewing
June 23
Special thanks to Culture Brewing in Manhattan Beach, California for hosting a Free Wheelchair Mission table on June 23 and giving us opportunities to share more about our cause with the public. Culture Brewing also donated 20% of beverage sales that night to provide new wheelchairs to people living with disabilities in developing countries.
All-Team Gathering
June 28
The entire Free Wheelchair Mission team, including members based in Africa and Central America, met for our semi-annual, all-team meeting. In addition to planning and reviewing goals for sending out 120 containers of wheelchairs in the new fiscal year, the team also took part in fun and important team-building exercises.
Special thanks to the Optivest Foundation for hosting the in-person contingent of this hybrid gathering.
Visiting Krypton in India
June 26-30
Don Schoendorfer, our founder and president, and Keith Herr, our director of manufacturing, traveled to India to visit Krypton, our new, second factory that has begun production of our wheelchairs. Having an additional manufacturer will help to alleviate some of the supply chain issues we have faced in recent years.