Wheelchair Arrivals
May 2020
Your generosity helped get five containers of wheelchairs to their destination countries—Mexico, El Salvador, Dominican Republic, and Argentina—during the month of May.
Serving Hospitals in Argentina
May 6, 2020
CILSA, our distribution partner in Argentina, delivered 200 GEN_1 wheelchairs to hospitals and institutions in Buenos Aires and Santa Fe Province for use as transfer wheelchairs. The plastic seats make the GEN_1 wheelchairs easy to disinfect after every use—which is crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic.
El Salvador News
May 23, 2020
GEN_2 wheelchairs from Free Wheelchair Mission appeared prominently in several articles about patients who recovered from COVID-19 being released from Hospital Nacional San Rafael. Click here for the full story (in Spanish; can be auto-translated in Google Chrome).
New Partnership in Mexico
May 29, 2020
The container of wheelchairs that arrived in Mexico was received by Urban Mosaic International, a new distribution partner that we are thrilled to partner with. “We want to thank Free Wheelchair Mission for his donation of 520 wheelchairs, which will help many people in our ‘fragile cities,’” stated Urban Mosaic on social media.
Recent events may have caused a great deal of chaos and uncertainty worldwide, but our mission continues by God’s grace and with your help.
As we near the end of our fiscal year on June 30th, the need for mobility and medical supplies remains great—perhaps even greater now more than ever.
Would you prayerfully consider giving a gift to help Free Wheelchair Mission finish strong and continue serving communities around the world?
Together, we have come this far, and together, we can go much further.
Don Schoendorfer
Founder and President
Free Wheelchair Mission