An Incredible Team in Idaho
Don Schoendorfer embarked on a four-day visit to Boise with Free Wheelchair Mission ambassador George Hage (left) and the Idaho Believes team. The ambitious goal of this amazing team is to raise enough funds to give away as many wheelchairs as there are seats at Albertsons Stadium—that’s 36,000 wheelchairs!

On the Shores of the Mississippi
In honor of the late Kathryn Frandson, who used a wheelchair for much of her life, a fundraising brunch was held by her daughter, Mary, at the Minnesota Boat Club. As a result, 66 people with disabilities in developing nations will now receive the gift of a wheelchair.

Increasing our Worldwide Reach
Three new distribution partners will help fit more people with new wheelchairs in more places around the world.
- Nepal: Humanity & Inclusion Nepal works through a network of local partners on access to quality rehabilitation services, services for people with disabilities, and prevention of disability.
- Ghana: The Centre for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities (CEPD) works closely with the government, private sector, and local organizations to ensure that people with disabilities are adequately cared for in all public spaces.
- China: The Hubei Province Disabled People’s Foundation works directly with people living with disabilities to provide training and resources.

Running for Those who Can’t
At the Run For Mobility, held at the OC Marathon, Half-Marathon, and 5K, 80 members of Team Mobility ran or walked for those who can’t, raising $32,244 and providing wheelchairs for more than 400 people with disabilities in developing nations.

On Air with Don Schoendorfer
Richard Franzi of The Critical Mass For Business Radio Show/Podcast interviewed Don about what led to the founding of Free Wheelchair Mission. Listen to this inspirational interview here.

6 Wheelchair Containers Arrived at Port
Because of your generosity, 2,992 wheelchairs arrived in Ecuador, Honduras, Vietnam, and China during the month of May 2018.