Meet Frank, a 10-year-old boy who lives in the Huancavelica province of Peru.
He was born with dystrophy, affecting his legs, and had to use a wooden stick to help him walk. He couldn’t travel far, though, and had to be carried longer distances.

Frank loves to read and attends a neighborhood school with his two siblings. As he grew, it became more difficult for them to help him get to school, but his parents couldn’t afford to buy him a wheelchair. They labor in the fields each day to grow just enough crops to feed the family, exchange for goods, or sell to help pay the bills.
Frank was overjoyed when our local distribution partner brought wheelchairs to his town and fitted him with a new GEN_2.
His parents, Robert and Deonisia, expressed their gratitude to all involved in answering their prayers and giving their beloved son the cherished gift of mobility.

To date, you’ve helped send 76,802 wheelchairs to Peru and more than one million wheelchairs to 92 other countries in the developing world.
There are an estimated 75 million individuals around the world, like Frank, whose stories are waiting to be written.
Would you consider giving the gift of a wheelchair and empowering someone to begin a new chapter?