As Father’s Day approaches, I’m aware of how much weight is on the shoulders of the dads we work with around the world.
We see a lot of fathers at wheelchair distributions. Sometimes they are carrying their children or wives or parents to receive a wheelchair, and their joy at seeing their family members gain mobility is tremendous. But often dads arrive on distribution day, and they are in need themselves. Many men have suffered injuries or illnesses and lost their mobility. Because of that, many of them have lost the ability to provide for their families. They may be in pain physically but so many are more pained at their inability to work and care for their families. Many have lost all hope and feel guilt and shame that now their families must struggle to care for them.
Witnessing a father placed in a wheelchair is indescribable. Hope returns. The possibility of reentering their communities and the workforce washes over them. Relief floods their faces as they see their loved ones will no longer have to carry them. It is an amazing sight!
This weekend as we honor fathers, we are so grateful for your generous support and desire to change the lives of dads around the world with the gift of mobility!
Don Schoendorfer
P.S. We are six weeks away from our annual Miracle of Mobility. We hope you’ll join us and invite your friends, too!