Anita lives in Guatemala. She was born with cerebral palsy and half of her body is paralyzed. Though she is able to walk short distances, she couldn’t leave the house very often, but that never dampened her exuberance. Anita was always brimming with love, thanks to her loving mother, who had been her primary caretaker for most of her life.
Sadly, Anita’s mother passed away in 2015.
Anita fell into a deep depression, losing her desire to see anyone, eat, or play. Her siblings, all of whom are married with children, began to support her, with one sister taking her in to live with them.
A group of volunteers invited Anita to a center that offers classes, therapy, and recreation for families living with disability. It was here that Anita connected with an organization called Hope Haven, which fitted her with a GEN_2 wheelchair.
The new wheelchair gave Anita new life. She learned to propel herself, and with the help of others pushing her wheelchair, she can leave the house to go to school, attend church, visit the market, and play at the park – her favorite place to go.
Anita’s family shared that she once again embraces each day with joy.
I’m grateful for the volunteers who connected Anita to our distribution partner and continue to shower Anita with love. Volunteers – including friends like you – play a key role in getting wheelchairs to those who need them.
Thank you for your love and support, restoring joy to people like Anita all over the world.
Don Schoendorfer