In Albuquerque, New Mexico, a group of women from Christ the Ray of Hope Lutheran Church sew hundreds of quilts for people in need. Throughout the year, these women donate quilts to homeless shelters, the VA hospital, and to police officers and fire fighters who give the quilts to children and adults who need them.

This month, these generous and talented women created a very special quilt called “Southwest Windows” which was sold at auction to raise funds for Free Wheelchair Mission. The quilt, designed and pieced by Barb Johnson and Pat Cross and quilted by Sharon Cross, sold for $2,500!

Christ the Ray of Hope Lutheran Church matched that $2,500 – bringing the total donation to $5,000. And because the donation was received during our x2 Gift Challenge (September 1 – October 31) a group of anonymous Free Wheelchair Mission donors multiplied that gift TIMES TWO – for a total of $10,000. That’s enough to provide the gift of mobility to 125 people!

This kind of story really gets to me, in very happy ways. It is a very beautiful quilt too!

During this year’s x2 Gift Challenge, other creative supporters have hosted a tennis tournament and even a pickleball tournament to raise funds for mobility. We are so grateful to everyone whose generosity and creativity is transforming lives through the gift of mobility!

If you have a story to share about how you are helping us transform lives during the x2 Gift Challenge, please email me or post your story to our Facebook page. We would love to hear your story!


Don Schoendorfer