Nakiwe searched everywhere for her favorite shirt.
It was pink—her favorite color. She usually knew where to find it, in a basket of folded clothes that she kept near her bed, but it wasn’t there.
Then, she remembered that she had washed it a few days earlier and had her mother hang it out to dry. Nakiwe liked to help around the house, doing laundry, cooking, and feeding the chickens.
Independence is important to this sweet second-grader in Eswatini. Her mother labors in the fields and must often leave Nakiwe alone at home.

Nakiwe was born with an undiagnosed condition that keeps her from using her legs.
She wanted to wear her favorite, pink shirt for a special occasion: on this day, she would be receiving a new wheelchair from The Luke Commission, our distribution partner in Eswatini.
With this new wheelchair, Nakiwe’s mother can push her to school—a three-mile trip each way—where her favorite subject is writing. Her mother also has more peace-of-mind when she’s out in the fields, knowing that her little girl is safe in her wheelchair and can move about their home by herself.
Your generosity has helped put a new smile on Nakiwe’s face—and her mother’s, too.

Thank you for all you do to empower individuals, like Nakiwe, with the gift of mobility.
Your generosity is helping to renew hope, independence, and joy every day, across the world.