When he was in his mid-40s, Ali L. took up running as a way to relieve stress.
He started training, using an app on his phone, and before he knew it, he was running 5K as part of his exercise routine.
Then, he was running 10K.
He wanted to do more—and not just in terms of distance—so in 2019, Ali joined Team Mobility and ran a full marathon for the first time in his life. “I decided to join Team Mobility with the hopes of making an impact for those who cannot run,” Ali told us.

An estimated 75 million people in the world need a wheelchair but can’t afford one.
When you join Team Mobility, you help raise funds to provide wheelchairs to those who desperately need them in developing nations.
Watch this video and see how you can run, walk, or volunteer for Team Mobility:
With New Year’s Day just around the corner, many of us will be making resolutions: some to be healthier, some to find more ways to serve others. Why not do both as a member of Team Mobility?
For more information on running or walking for Team Mobility at the 2020 OC Marathon, please visit this page.
If you’d like to volunteer, or if you’d like to run a different marathon with Team Mobility, please contact us for next steps.