Renovating for Good
March 2nd
Hans Heller of The Willow Den Public House in San Jose took down all of the dollar bills that were stapled to the ceiling and donated them to Free Wheelchair Mission — over $6,000 worth. With matching gifts, a total of nearly $20,000 was donated, providing mobility to 250 people living with disabilities in developing countries!
The FWM VR Experience Debut
March 8th
Thanks to the magic of virtual reality, you can experience a day in the life of two wheelchair recipients in Guatemala, all without having to travel overseas.
International Seating Symposium
March 20th–22nd
A team from FWM attended the International Seating Symposium—the world's leading educational conference and exhibition on the topic of wheelchair seating, mobility, and associated assistive technologies—at the University of Pittsburgh.
Training for Distribution Partners
March 25th–27th
The FWM medical programs team offered wheelchair training and/or coaching to distribution partners in Ukraine, Honduras, and Jamaica. This training is offered for the sake of the long-term health of our wheelchair recipients, who must be properly assessed and fitted before receiving an FWM wheelchair from a distribution partner.
Book Launch
March 30th
A Wheelchair for Francis tells the story of Francis Mugwanya, who received a wheelchair as a child and later went on to found Father's Heart Mobility Ministry, our distribution partner in Uganda. Written by his wife, Adrienne, and lavishly-illustrated, all proceeds from this book will go towards providing mobility to people with disabilities in Uganda. Order your copy here.
Wheelchair Arrivals
March 2019
Thanks to your generosity, five containers of wheelchairs arrived at port in Honduras, Vietnam, and China.