Thirteen-year-old Juan lives with his mother Paola, father Diego, and brothers David, Brian, and Abril in Alta Gracia, a beautiful small town of about 48,000 inhabitants just 24 miles outside of Córdoba Capital in Argentina.

Juan loves watching boxing and soccer and is a fan of the Boca and Belgrano teams. He dreams of going to see a game in person, but his mobility is limited by a moderate paralysis that he was born with.

Juan outgrew his first wheelchair, which he received 10 years ago, and received a new GEN_3 wheelchair from CILSA, our distribution partner in Argentina, in 2014.

CILSA recently visited Juan and his family to see how he is doing. His family reports that the improvement in Juan’s life has been clear and consistent—the new wheelchair has given him new freedom to enjoy all his favorite activities and even attend an annual event in the heart of the city.

“Thank you very much for the wheelchair. I am very happy, and I can go to a lot of places!” said Juan with a big smile on his face, no doubt thinking about the soccer games that are no longer out of reach, thanks to the generosity of friends like you.


Don Schoendorfer