The Quang Nam Province is one of the most forested provinces of Vietnam, with more than half of its area covered in lush woodland. Here, 52-year old Van lives with his younger sister in the village of Thanh Van, where he owns a small grocery store.

Thirty years ago, while working in the forest, Van suffered an accident that caused severe trauma to his backbone and spinal cord, leaving him permanently without the use of his legs.

Van’s injury left him confined to his bed, completely dependent on his little sister for even the most basic of his needs as he was unable to move on his own.

Imagine what it meant to them when Van received a new wheelchair, thanks to friends like you.

Van and his sister are overjoyed by this generous gift you have helped to provide. He says that his new wheelchair has been very useful in his daily activities and gives him a new sense of independence. Now he can travel outside his home to visit his friends and family!

Thanks to you and his new wheelchair, Van feels confident and free to participate in the daily life of his community.

“I am very grateful to you for making my life better with this wheelchair. I hope your generosity will continue to help other people like me in the future,” said Van.

Around the world, there are still an estimated 70 million people whose stories are waiting to be written.

You can help start a new chapter, like you did for Van.

Don Schoendorfer