Technology has connected continents like never before. Within seconds, we hear about triumphs or tragedies happening in faraway places. With this amazing knowledge comes a deep responsibility to our neighbors worldwide.
In Luke Chapter 10, Jesus was challenged by the religious scholars of the day when asked to define the word “neighbor.” In His reply, Jesus told a story about a man who had been attacked and lay injured along the road. When He finished giving three different response scenarios to this man’s dilemma, He ended the story with a question, asking “which of the three became a neighbor to the man attacked by robbers?” The religious scholar replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” To this Jesus said, “Go and do the same.”
Matthew 22 once again finds Jesus being questioned by the religious scholars. This time they asked Him, “Which command in God’s law is the greatest?” Jesus’ response could simply be stated by saying, “Love God and love others.” The two loves are linked together and exemplify the essence of all Old Testament teaching and law.
In essence, Jesus was saying that when we truly love God we will love our neighbors, and by loving our neighbors we are expressing our love for God.
Prayer Points:
- To develop a heart of compassion for my neighbor.
- To see needs beyond the boundaries of my community.
- To find ways to effectively show love to those I meet.
Luke 10:25-37, Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 5:13-15