Remember when you first learned to tie your shoes or when you could make lunch for yourself the first time? How about when you could drive a vehicle? These milestone moments in life mark accomplishments and independence, accompanied with a new dignity, and new responsibility. No longer will you rely on another to tie your shoes, make your lunch or transport you.
Unfortunately for many people with disabilities worldwide, their condition has caused them to be hindered from influential roles within their communities, leading to a life of solitude. The negative social stigmas often associated with those with disabilities and the lack of physical mobility present barriers. These barriers cause an individual to feel insignificant, insecure in themselves and isolated from their community.
God’s word tells us “freely we have received; freely give!” The gift of a wheelchair is the gift of mobility. As wheelchairs are distributed, increased mobility allows for dignity to be restored through newly acquired independence. For many people with disabilities, this symbolizes an opportunity for a new chapter in life. A chapter where those who may have felt overlooked are now awakened to their own spiritual gifts, that they too might minister to one another as good stewards.
Prayer Points:
- That recipients would receive boldness and courage to minister to their community.
- For others to come alongside wheelchair recipients to encourage and assist them in living independently.
- That God’s love expressed through the gift of a wheelchair would not stop there but would continue as a story of God’s faithfulness.
John 9:1-11, 2 Corinthians 9:6-14, Psalm 103:7-12